Friday, January 8, 2010


Human Body an Intelligent Machine
A machine for living Part 1

Your path to self care begins with learning of the working of the human body
machine, this first post outlines the principals that guide the machine

SKIN the border
Your body is wrapped in your skin; the skin separates the world inside from the world we live in.
This skin is the first barrier to the outside world (prevents entry of microbes, and loss of body water)
It is the body’s early warning system, through the network of nerves spread out in the skin. These nerves warn us when we touch other objects, they can detect heat of these objects, and that of the surrounding air
Some of these nerves also enable us to detect pressure and pain on deep touch.
This skin cover has the ability to control our body temperature through the network of blood vessels in the skin, these vessels can be closed to conserve heat ,or open up to allow heat to be lost to the surrounding air.
Sweat glands in the skin provide moisture to the skin’s surface; this provides cooling by evaporation, much like a room cooler.
Life of the body is in danger if skin is lost in fires or other accidents, as now there is no barrier to entry of bacteria. Water can also be lost from the body.

On the outside we all appear different, our facial features, color of our skin eyes and hair, the tone of the voice, and our speech all define a person.

On the inside, we are all alike in our internal organization, the position of the organs follow a similar plan in all of us. The function of organs is similar. Thus this internal similarity makes us all alike on the inside.

The Inside Sketch
The body is made up of millions of cells they are the citizens of the world within. There are many different kinds of these cell (blood cells, muscle cells, bone and brain cells) they al perform different functions in the body.

Similar cells are placed close to each other, and the continuous sheets of similar cells are called tissues.

Different tissues, that performs related functions are put together to form organs.

Organs are linked together to form the systems if the body (Nervous, cardio-vascular and digestive systems) each system performs well defined functions and all functions are aimed at making life easier for all the body cells.

This focused goal of the body is very aptly outlined by Leo Tolstoy in his work called “War and Peace” he stated “Our body is a machine for living. It is organized for that that is its nature.”

To achieve that focused objective of life and living, the systems of the body, need to keep the contents (chemical, minerals and hormones) in the fluid, of internal living space of the cells, within a vital livable range.
There is inner world intelligence (feedback closed loop control) always working towards this goal.
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