Friday, January 15, 2010


The Human body an intelligent Machine

A Machine for living Part 2

The internal intelligence, and closed loop feedback control fails in disorders. This alters the contents of the fluid that bathes the cells of the body.

Probe the world within.

A sample of blood is the means to detect internal disorder.
Many of the systems of the body have an assigned role in regulating the internal environment of the cells.
In cases of breakdown of this function of any system, changes occur in this environment; this can be detected by laboratory examinations.
The blood chemistry, blood cell number and appearance, hormone and gas levels are all parts of this environment of the cells and can be measured.
Advances in technology have added to the accuracy of these measurements, and detection of breakdowns of this internal environment control function is possible without opening up the body

Internal image (CT scan MRI and Ultrasound)
Advances in technology have been applied and used for producing images of internal organs
This has made possible, the diagnosis of altered outlines, size, and the internal texture, of internal organs, without cutting open the body.
These methods are the recent advances in information retrieval, and are acceptable methods, to know of changes inside, and to detect disease early.

Another example of use of modern technology for diagnosis is the use of internal telescopes (endoscopes) with a miniature camera to look at the insides of hollow organs and body spaces.
Your eye can see abnormalities on a television monitor and you can photograph what you see, for the record. Biopsy of these changed areas can further aid detection of nature of disease.

NEEDS of the inner world

Your body needs to live on adequate nutrition (food water and minerals)
Your gastrointestinal system is responsible for entry, digestion and absorption of your entire food intake.
This takes care of your energy requirements including
- Muscle energy working, exercise and getting to here, and there.
- Nerve energy for thinking, problem resolving, and sending messages up and down nerve
- Energy for enzyme manufacture for digestion and hormone production
- Energy for cell production to replace old cells
- Energy to keep your body temperature constant

Survival Needs
You need to install “early warning systems” to survive” in this hostile world including
- Road sense for driving and crossing on foot
- Urban and rural personal security precepts
- Preventive healthcare precepts and action
- Dangers form animal encounters (Urban and rural)

In most instances these security related protective actions are the products of your nervous systems (brain-learning)

Cells Life
All your body cells need oxygen and nutrients
- Nutrients enter the blood stream from the intestines
- The oxygen enters the blood stream from the lungs
- The pumping action of the heart delivers both blood and the other requirement to the cells.

Cell Waste
The use of oxygen and nutrients by the body cells produces CO2 and other waste products
- These are carried back to the heart by the veins
- The CO2 is sent by pumping of the heart to the lungs for exchange for oxygen
- The other waste is pumped to the kidneys for washing out in the urine

Home Security
To provide additional protection for survival against invasion by other organism (bacteria, virus) the body has immune system for
- Producing antibodies against organism
- Destroying organism on contact in the body
- Producing cells that swallow invading organisms

To insure survival of the species the body is provided with reproductive system

Male - Produce sperms
Female - Produce ova

The joining of these two cells, in the female body results in young ones, and completes the human biologic life cycle. This gives propose to life, and continues the species.
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