Monday, January 25, 2010


Human body an intelligent machine

A machine for living Part 3

Cost of Care
These tests that probe that reveal changes in the world within, are expensive because this equipment required for these test is expensive.

District hospitals and other state run care facilities may not have these resources, or the equipment may have broken down due to overuse.
It is indeed possible that no trained staff has been appointed to read these advanced machines
It is still possible to provide good medical care, thru good history taking, and using your hands and other senses, to exercise clinical judgment for diagnosis and treatment.
In our country an aware public can reduce the burden of hospital staff, if they understand in small measure the working of their own bodies, and read symptoms
This will enable them to practice some home based self care with ease.

This need to look after yourself stands to reason in any county for:-

- All the signals of health/ill-health arise in the world within you, and reach you, and nobody else.
- Your ability to read these signals, makes you the only valid narrator of your history
- Your ability to choose home care/clinic care, decreases cost burden, on yourself, and patient load on the hospital.
The information provided so far, it is hoped will convince the reader, to see his way towards self help, in matters of his health and his family’s health, as a long term commitment.
To facilitate this process given below are graded levels of commitment to this process, and a suggested path to achieve a measure of autonomy, and start of a self care mindset.

Level 1
Signals of good health (morning check)
- You get a good restful sleep (6 to 8 hrs) without medication
- You wake up feeling hungry
- You can recall your planned activities for the day
- You are motivated to undertake these tasks
- You have energy for your work and leisure
- You have no pain
- You have no fever
- Your pulse is regular at 70-85/minute
- Your breathing is easy silent at 12 -18/ minute

Level II
We are all provided with a healthy body at birth.
It will serve you well till you are 70 years or more if you;
Insure adequate intake of safe clean water, food and air
Insure adequate rest (6 to 8 Hrs) for body renewal and repair
Insure preventive vaccination for prevalent disorders
Exercise to keep body fit.
Train yourself to recognize symptoms associated with systems i.e.

Cough and breathing problems - Respiratory System
Chest pain on walking Cardiac system
Pain abdomen and vomiting, diarrhea - Gastrointestinal system
Burning Urine - Urinary System
More details in systems wise posts will follow.


You have simple remedies for simple disorders like

Small injuries - Sterile cover
Headache - Aspirin
Colds fever - Hot fluid aspirin
Diarrhea. - Fluid diet with sugar and salt (oral rehyderation)
A-Z of disorders to follow in future posts.
If no relief in 48 hours you have a trusted physician to consult

In case of chronic disorders like diabetes, hypertension, arthritis you need to understand your treatment schedule from your health provider.
The objectives of the treatment and side effects- keep a record of your treatment.
Consult your treating physician if objective not achieved or side effects appear all end all follow-up, appointments


Network with select motivated other members of the community to exchange notes enlarge the self care agenda and self help community members.
Keep in touch with all posts from now on will enable you to practice Self care
Any questions be sent to you will receive a response
All posts are stored in achieves for your access and review

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