Wednesday, February 24, 2010


The Human Body
Digestive System Part III
The grinder, liquidizer, chemical splitter and soak-up chamber

Bile is produced by the liver and is green in color. About 500cc is produced in a day, it is stored and concentrated in the gall bladder. A fatty meal causes a contraction of the gall bladder and bile enters the duodenum.

Digesting Proteins
Proteins are present in meat, fish, eggs, beans and dals also in milk. They are broken down to chains of amino-acids by protein breaking effect of enzymes of the stomach (pepsin) and the pancreases (Trypsin).

They finally end up as separate amino acids that can enter the veins and can be used by tissues to build proteins by the cells and can also be used for repair of cells and tissues.

Digestion of Carbohydrates
Vegetables, fruits bread (roti), rice and other cereals supply your body with starch and sugars both are called carbohydrate. The enzymes in saliva (amylase) action carbohydrates they are also acted upon by pancreatic amylase. This is stronger than saliva enzyme and can digest uncooked starches.

Digestion of carbohydrates is completed in the small intestines. The final end product is glucose which enters the blood stream and can be utilized by all the cells of the body. It can also be stored by the liver and muscles for future use.

Digestion of Fats
Milk and milk products (ghee), eggs, meat and oils provide fats. Digestion begins with the bile salts in the bile and act on fats to produce smaller fat globules. The lipase of the pancreatic juice break up the small globules into glycerol and fatty acids. They can now enter the blood stream from the small intestines.

SMALL INTESTINE Chemical splitter and soak-up chamber
The food mixed with juices enters the small intestine (jejunum) from the duodenum. The jejunum and ileum are about 20 feet long. The process of breaking down of carbohydrates, fats and proteins continues and can take up to six to seven hours.

The end products of this process are glucose, fats in small droplets (Chylomicrons) and amino acids. These units can now be absorbed. The absorption is helped by the millions of small finger like process on the mucosa of the small intestines.

These nutrients absorbed now reach the liver through the blood stream. By the time the digested food reaches the end of the ileum only 500cc of the 10 liters of food and juices is left. The rest has been absorbed. This 500 cc contains the unabsorbed indigestible cellulose and fiber.

LARGE INTESTINES Soak-up and waste chamber

A large part of the food taken in is not absorbable and consists of fiber (cellulose). The water and other chemicals in the large intestines are reabsorbed for use in the body. The contents stay in the colon for nearly 10 hours. The rest of the waste (unabsorbed fiber and bacteria) passes onto and are the rectum to pass out as solid feces.

The foods rich in fiber prevent constipation and these foods are fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grain, bread, etc.

THE LIVER The chemicals and bile factory
This is the largest organ in the body 1.3 to 1.8 kilograms in weight, reddish brown in color and lies in the upper right side of the abdomen.

It receives one fifth of its blood from the heart and four fifths from the portal veins from the intestines. The blood from the heart is rich in oxygen.

The portal vein blood from the intestines is rich in absorbed nutrients from the food in the intestines.

The liver cells are arranged in lobules with a central vein that takes blood back to the heart. The hepatic artery portal vein and bile passage are around this lobule.

The liver on receiving the nutrients stores glycogen and vitamins and prepares amino acids for use by other tissues. It also manufactures body proteins like albumin and globulins.

The other important function of the liver is the production of bile required for digestion. Bile contains about 80% water, 11% of bile salt and 1% of bilirubin (bile pigments) derived from hemoglobin of the blood. Liver disease like hepatitis causes the yellow pigments in bile to rise in the blood and cause jaundice.

Digestive System
Symptom to remember
- Discomfort or pain after meals
- Distension
- Vomiting
- Frequent stool blood in stool
- Constipation
- Bleeding with stools

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