Sunday, April 4, 2010


Your body needs your care


Fats are essential nutrients.
They form a rich source of energy – a gram of fat releases approximately nine calories.
Fats can also be stored in the body.
Fats provide structural material for the cell wall.
Fat deposits beneath the skin – the subcutaneous layer of body fat – act as an
Insulating layer (prevent heat loss).
Saturated fatty acids possess a structure, where hydrogen atoms are
Found in all the positions available.
Usually these fats are solid in form at room temperature and are of animal origin – meat, butter, cream, Ghee.
Unsaturated fatty acids possess a structure where some positions are free
Of hydrogen.
These are of vegetable origin – coconut oil, palm oil,
Essential fatty acids are those not produced in the human body. These
Fatty acids need to be taken in the diet, for example linoleic acid.
Cholesterol is not a nutrient fat. It is found in human bile, egg yolk, and in
Animal foods (liver, kidney and muscle).
It is implicated in arterial wall disease, where cholesterol deposits are laid in the walls of the
Diseased arteries.
These deposits obstruct the passage of blood in the arteries to the various organs, beyond
The block.
How much fat can we consume?
The American Heart Association recommends that less than 25 percent of the
Daily calories requirement should come form fats in the diet. Therefore for an
Average diet of two thousand calories approximately 20% of calories should be
form fat and only 10% from saturated fats.
You can control fat intake;
For all kinds of processed food, read the label to find out the type of fat in
The product.
Eat less meat (have more meatless days); white meat of fish and chicken
(without skin) have less fat. Fish also has fish oils which are healthy.
Use skimmed milk
Cook by steaming, baking or boiling; avoid frying

 All crisp snacks such as cookies and crisps should be consumed in limited
amounts. The fat content in these items is high.
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