Thursday, October 14, 2010


The Human Body
The Sensations (Part II)
The Entry Points and Receptors (Receiving Equipment)

SENSE OF TASTE Mouth watering sensation

How it works
The lining (epithelium) of the tongue, has tiny pits where the taste buds are placed.
The taste particles in the food, reach these taste buds, by dissolving in saliva.
Thus food that dissolves slowly the taste sensation is delayed.

There are taste buds (receptors) on your tongue, and also on your palate, these taste buds are located, mostly on the sides of the tongue, there are nearly 10,000 such taste buds.
They recognize, from the chemicals in the food, the basic tastes of sweet, salt, sour, and bitter character.

The ability to taste is reduced, as you grow older (over seventy)
Besides taste you can sense on your tongue hot, touch and pressure sensation in your mouth.

The tongue, in addition through its muscular action, changes its shape and helps in forming words.

Some Delicious Facts
-There are more than 10,000 or so taste buds in various sites in the mouth.
-In children and adults, there are no taste buds in the centre of the tongue.
-A baby has taste buds all over the inside of its mouth, not just on its tongue.
-As you get older and older, your taste buds die off, and by the time you are 70 your sense of taste may be much less sensitive.
-Taste bud cells, only last for a week, before the body renews them.
-You often, lose your sense of taste, when you get a cold, because your nose is blocked and you can't smell - not because your taste buds have stopped working.
-Taste buds are not the only sense receptors in your mouth.
There are also sensors for touch, pressure, moisture, heat, cold, and various other factors are all sensed in the mouth.

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