Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Urinary System 1b

Water balance and waste disposal

KIDNEYS The blood filters provide the "Cell" a life supporting environment

The Kidney’s are placed one on each side of the spine, behind the intestines.
They are bean shaped and weigh about 150 gms. each, and measure 11 cm in length, 6 cm in width.

Blood is supplied to the kidneys by the renal arteries about 1000 cc to 1500 cc of blood reaches the kidney in a minute, or 1/5th of the heart's output per minute.
Every day the entire blood of the body passes through the kidney 300 times.

A cut section of the kidney shows an outer cortex and an innner medullary part.
Each kidney is made up of 1.2 million units called a nephron.
This nephron is about 5 cm long.
The starting point of this nephron is the glomerulus, it filters the blood
The following parts of the nephron are tubes that actively excrete (expel), or reabsorb dissolved products.

The remaining unabsorbed fluid is collected and passes down the ureter.
The total length of all the nephrons is 110 km.
The total amount of filtered fluid from all the glomoruli is 170 liters for 24 hours
Most of this is reabsorbed and the urine collected by the ureters in the bladder is 1500 cc in 24 hours
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