Thursday, May 12, 2011


Genes Function how genes function

Building proteins
Proteins are built from different combinations of chemicals called amino acids. These are all available in the cell, so to make a protein, the DNA simply has to instruct the cell as to which ones to stitch together.

The bases in DNA are set in groups of three, called cordons, and each spells out certain amino acids.

There are 64 ways four bases can be ordered in groups of three.

DNA is too valuable to use directly as a mould. So when the cell needs a new protein, it sends an enzyme to copy just the right bit on to a similar chemical called m (messenger) RNA

MRNA makes the new protein in a part of the cell called the ribosome by linking amino acids.

Heredity How you are similar
The young offspring (you and your siblings) resemble your parents. This is because the instruction in the DNA has been carried out and passed on to you. You will pass them on to your children.

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