Thursday, June 24, 2010


Hypertension (High blood pressure)
The blood pressure goes up in acute stress, and after exercise in a normal person, but comes back to normal after some time.
Hypertension at rest or high blood pressure (Pressure in the main arteries) occurs in those aged 30-50 years, and will be seen in a percentage of 10-20% of all urban population. some of
the factors that increase the risk of hypertension are;

Obesity (over weight)
Stress (at work, home)
High sodium intake
High alcohol intake
Family history of hypertension and
Sedentary life with
No exercise

Most citizens have no specific complaints, and may not be aware of high blood pressure.
Some may complain of headache.
Soif you are over 40yrs get your pressure checked.
Given below is a table of blood pressure, ranging from normal BP to severe hypertension.

B.P. Normal 120/80
High Normal 130/85-90
Stage I (Mild) 140-157/90-99
Stage II (Moderate)160-179/100-107
Stage III (Severe)180-209/110-119
Stage IV (V. Severe)219/120
Higher levels of blood pressure lead to cardiac, renal and cerebral accidents (heart attacks and
strokes), which could result in death.
Self Care
Controlling hypertension primarily requires a change of lifestyle.
- Avoid tobacco
- Lose weight if you are over weight
- Moderation in alcohol intake
- Allot Some time for leisure
- Exercise regularly
- Cut down sodium intake
- Reduce fat content in diet
- Pranayama and Yoga has a role in bringing down the pressure.
All stages of hypertension will need drug treatment with a physician
Any questions be sent to
All earlier posts are stored in archives for your access and review

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