Thursday, November 18, 2010


The Human Body
Muscular System (Part I)

The human body is a machine which winds its own springs a living image of perpetual movement. French physician 1709

All animation (living action) is because of muscles

All the moves that your body makes require muscles which contract, to move you have leg muscles, and to smile you have muscle of your face you need muscles to stand straight or to sit still.

Muscle is made of elongated muscles cells that have protein fiber that can contract and shorten or relax and come back to the original length.

Muscles make up nearly 40% of our weight. In women the weight of muscle is less and the weight of fat is more. The largest muscle is the gluteus maximums in the buttocks. The smallest muscle is the tiny stapedius muscles in our middle ear.

Skeletal muscles are attached to our bones and this allows us to move the joints in between the bones. This ability is used to hold things in our hands and to move forward.
These muscles control all types of movements including dancing and swimming. We can lift heavy loads or control finger movements for writing. We can work on a PC or use muscles for singing.

The human body moves from one place to another, through contraction of muscles.

Muscles are made up of proteins (actin and myosin) and are also called flesh or meat on the bones. We eat the muscles of fish, birds, and goats or lambs.
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