Thursday, April 7, 2011


The Immune System 1c THE CELLS The cells that you depend on

The two principle types of cells, through which the immune system works, are:

Thymus trained lymphocytes (T cells) they are about 80% of lymphocytes in circulation

Bone marrow derived lymphocytes (B cells) about 10% Targets B cells are effective against many bacteria such as cholera, some viruses such as measles, and a few parasites such as malaria.

T cells are effective against many viruses such as flu virus, some bacteria such as TB and a few fungi such as candidacies.

These T and B cells are small cells seen in your blood.

When they meet a specific antigen the small lymphocytes enlarges.

Some of these large lymphocytes becomes small again, and live for a long time and serve as memory cells, they remember the protein nature of the enemy and put up severe response, on re-entry of this enemy.

Most of the T cells are helper cells and suppressor cells. The B cells are stimulated to enlarge when they contact foreign proteins and convert into plasma cells. These plasma cells secrete into the blood the antibodies.

A third variety of lymphocytes also arise in the bone marrow, and they are able to kill bacteria or viruses and they are called the Killer cells.

The other cells that play a role in the immune response are:

* Large granular lymphocytes

* Monocytes *

Macrophages and * Neutrophils Some of these cells engulf and destroy the bacteria that invade the body

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